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Cattle Weighing App


Nowadays, counting on agricultural applications that help in cattle weight management is essential for anyone who wants to improve productivity. Tools like digital cattle scale facilitate weight control in a practical and accessible way, helping farmers to monitor the health and development of their animals, in addition to improving the farm's financial results. In this article, you will learn about five cattle weighing apps that are transforming agribusiness and contributing to the innovation in agribusiness.

5 Apps to Weigh Cattle

1. BovControl

O BovControl is one of the most popular applications in the segment of livestock weighing by cell phone. It allows the farmer to record detailed information about the animals, such as weight, vaccinations, and health history. With an intuitive interface, the cattle weighing software facilitates decision-making based on real data, making management more efficient.

THE agricultural technology applied in the BovControl is capable of sending reports directly to the cell phone, allowing the user to monitor the herd's performance from anywhere. This remote control allows for greater precision in bovine weight monitoring and improves the quality of farm management.

2. Livestock Brazil

Another notable application is Livestock Brazil, facing the cattle weight management and total control of the herd. With it, you can record the weight of the animals, track the history of each one and check their development in real time, all from your cell phone.


O Livestock Brazil still has features that integrate the digital cattle scale, facilitating the insertion of data directly into the platform. The innovation in agribusiness provided by this app helps livestock farmers save time, ensure more accurate information and optimize management.

3. Ranchers

O Ranchers is an application that stands out in the bovine weight control and monitoring the health of the herd. It allows detailed monitoring of the weight of the animals, in addition to helping in the management of vaccines and other interventions necessary to maintain high livestock productivity.

In addition to being an excellent tool for cattle weight management, the Ranchers provides insights into animal performance over time, allowing farmers to adjust feeding and care based on concrete data. This ensures more efficient management and improves farm results.


4. Agro Weight

O Agro Weight is a solution aimed at livestock weighing by cell phone which offers a series of features aimed at agricultural technology. With it, the producer can monitor the weight of the animals accurately and monitor the performance of the herd efficiently.

One of the great advantages of Agro Weight is its integration with other devices, such as digital cattle scale, which makes data collection easier. The user-friendly interface and detailed reports make this application one of the best options for those looking to optimize weight control in the field.


5. SmartCow

Closing the list, the SmartCow is a cattle weighing app that combines high technology with ease of use. It allows farmers to record the weight of their animals, monitor their health history and control vaccinations, all in a practical and efficient way using their cell phones.

O SmartCow also offers exclusive features, such as weight monitoring alerts and customized reports, ensuring that the producer can monitor the performance of the animals in detail. This innovation in agribusiness contributes to smarter and more profitable management.

Full Application Functionality

The mentioned applications offer a variety of functionalities beyond the livestock weighing by cell phone. They allow the recording of complete data about each animal, such as weight, health, vaccinations and even the necessary care schedule. agricultural technology used in these systems is robust and easy to use, ensuring that even livestock farmers less familiar with technology can enjoy its advantages.

Additionally, many of these apps integrate with devices digital cattle scale, further facilitating the data collection process. Internet connectivity makes it possible to send detailed reports to your cell phone, allowing bovine weight control from anywhere, in real time. This convenience means that the farmer has more time to focus on other areas of the farm, knowing that the management of the herd is under control.


THE innovation in agribusiness brought incredible tools to improve livestock control and management. Using a cattle weighing app, you can optimize production, ensure herd health and obtain accurate data that contributes to improving financial results. The five applications mentioned above are practical solutions, offering everything from livestock weighing by cell phone to complete monitoring of animal performance.

With the agricultural technology advancing rapidly, it is essential that rural producers are always up to date and take advantage of the best on the market to optimize their operations. Choose the application that best suits your needs and enjoy all the advantages that cattle weight management can offer for your farm.


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